• Promotes natural production of nitric oxide
• Increases libido
• Helps with lean muscle growth
• Reduces cortisol, helping with mood and depression
• Promotes circulation
• Reduces inflammation
You must be over the age of 18 to order this product.
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The subject matter contained herein is not intended to diagnose or advise treatment. If you have any concerns, particularly if you have pre-existing conditions or allergies, check with your healthcare provider regarding the ingredients we use.
Statements made have not been evaluated by the FDA.Ingredients
95% Saponins
Vegetarian Capsules
100 Capsules at 600mg/Capsule
Sourced from the actual grower. ORGANICALLY GROWN.
These capsules are packed using a manual run machine and ZERO FILLERS are used.
Most capsules elsewhere on the market are automatically filled. They tend to add anti-caking agents and lubricants in order to keep the machines running smoothly. This adversely affects the product.
Dosage & Info
Symptoms: Fatigue, low energy, overweight, low libido, inflammation, arthritis, depression, pain, etc.
Improves: Stamina, lean muscle, sexual performance
Mild: start out taking 2 capsules 3 times a day. If you notice improvement but feel you could benefit from more then, step it up to Moderate.
Moderate: which would consist of 4 capsules 3 times a day. Again, if you still feel like you need more then increase the dosage to what I would call Customized.
Customized: I take at least 6 capsules for my fibromalagia 3 times a day. I take them with or without food as they do not upset my stomach in any way.
A Word from Darcy (founder)
Today I want to talk a little bit about Tribulus, and some of its benefits.
It is a spikey plant that was usually sourced from Vietnam, China, Spain, Mexico, and Bulgaria.
Traditional Chinese medicine has used it in their formulas for centuries.
It's an overall strengthener. It strengthens the body systemically, every component of it, right down to the organs. They are all affected and benefit from it.
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In modern times (and in ancient times too) it is sought out and used to increase libido. A lot of people have that issue these days, due to lifestyle and various nutrient deficiencies, stressors, and just being physically worn out.
So, the libido suffers, and sexual performance also suffers. This is generally due to a lack of nitric oxide in the body and circulation. Tribulus awakens the libido and increases sexual performance.
Bodybuilders love it for its energy factor. It produces a type of energy totally unlike caffeine energy. It doesn't give you the ‘buzz’ that to me, is sort of like a false promise. Caffeine, when it wears off, it brings you down below where you were before you started.
It's different with Tribulus. It will increase your energy in a more subtle way. Obvious but subtle. But it doesn't betray. It just strengthens because it actually is strengthening your bodily systems.
Caffeine is not strengthening anything. It is simply a stimulant.
Bodybuilders also love it because it promotes lean muscle. The reason it does that is because of nitric oxide, and the energy it gives. It allows you to work out harder and exert yourself more.
My opinion is that it increases the metabolism to where it increases bodily heat. You sweat more, which you want to get the circulation going, burn off some fat, get rid of some toxins. It promotes those things. Hence, it promotes a leaner, muscular body.
It promotes beneficial weight gain. If you combine that with working out. But you're not going to gain fat. You should lose fat and gain muscle.
Like I said, it increases circulation. Isn't that the key to life?
It's been stated that: "Blockage is the root of all disease". Well, what's the opposite of blockage? Circulation!
Compare pond water vs spring water. We want that spring water. We want circulation. We want to deliver nutrients; deliver clean things. Then we want to remove toxins via that blood flow.
When increasing circulation, you benefit from everything that goes along with it. That's health and vitality in general. More energy, less toxins, less disease, less inflammation, and a side effect regarding libido and sexual performance.
It's also great for your heart, as it strengthens your heart muscle. Your heart is the engine of your vehicle, so a strong heart is going to promote a strong everything. Hence weak heart, weak everything.
It may sound weird but to those that do drink and party, Tribulus is also magnificent for hangovers. There are not many things that work for a hangover. By using Vitamin C, B Complex, and some Tribulus you can virtually eliminate your hangover within 20 minutes.
Believe it or not.
I'm not saying: "Hey go out and chug a half a bottle of tequila!" Obviously, that's a big dose of poison to the blood. But for those who occasionally do party, there's things you can do to help that out dramatically. Tribulus does protect the liver and kidneys.
The active components in Tribulus are called saponins. A lot of items containing saponins will be in the 10% to 45% range. Our Tribulus has 95% saponins. They are the active components that create the effects. They are what boosts the nitric oxide throughout your body.
They are kind of the "miracle deliverance" that deliver those positive effects on your organs. I believe on a systemic level, because it can reduce inflammation in a vascular manner, it benefits all of your veins, your organs and chronic inflammation period. What a wonderful, wonderful way to get rid of inflammation without the negative side effects of other anti-inflammatories like Ibuprofen or the even stronger steroid medications.
Inflammation weakens us! It bogs us down. It steals our life.
Tribulus is the opposite. It gives us strength. It helps get rid of inflammation and Replaces it with strength and vitality. It's a builder and a giver, where drugs are obviously not builders, they are takers.
Again, they're part of the false promise. "I promise you'll feel better." But it's false because it takes away more than it gives. In the long term, it leaves you stranded and in pain. Misery, inflammation, weakness, despair. On and on and on as many, including myself know. Eventually, more and more of us are going to know if we don't change our ways.
What's also interesting is that it decreases cortisol, which ends up improving moods. It's great for depression. It just gives you an overall sense of well-being.
Depression nowadays is recognized as a really a big, big thing. It has always been around, people simply covered it up.
Tribulus often sold as though it boosts testosterone. Well, it really doesn't for those who already have healthy levels.
The saponins, those active compounds, have a testosterone independent mechanism action on their own. They'll give you testosterone mimicking effects like more energy, more vitality, more appetite, health and vigor, sexual libido and power, plus muscle building capabilities. When people think of testosterone, they think of those kinds of things.
The Tribulus will do that on its own, without increasing your testosterone. Those active compounds, those saponins, they just have that effect on the body. It's just another gift, it's a gift from nature without the consequence. It's amazing.
There's a lot of products out there that claim a lot. The only reason I sell this is because I believe in it. I've been using it now for quite some time. I don't sell anything I don't believe in or feel the results directly from. I don't sell things that I just think are good for people. I sell things that I know work.
Everybody I've ever given Tribulus to (and there have been many) give back the same consistent report: They instantly feel better; they feel more energy; they feel that better sense of well-being.
When you're young you feel more energy. You feel more sexually motivated. You feel just better. More fit. Less lethargic. Less inflammation and all those things.
That's what people feel when I give them Tribulus. That's what everybody feels. The reports, the feedback from people is just 100% consistent.
I know what it's like to have fatigue and inflammation. To struggle just to have that daily vitality. I wish I would have found this 20 years ago.
I want to mention one other thing. Tribulus also reduces cholesterol levels. To think how many people are on drugs for cholesterol and they just struggle with that.
As a result, it helps to lower your blood pressure and your heart rate. Just think about that! It could replace so many drugs when you take it in combination with just a few other healthy life choices.
It reduces blood sugar levels thus assisting with fighting onset diabetes, a huge problem today.
It does dissolve kidney stones over time. There are so many benefits to list.
There's no price physically to pay. It only adds to your life. It does not subtract in any way.
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