• Promotes heart health
• Improves blood flow to heart
• Increases energy
• Lowers inflammation
• Increases systemic oxygen
• Reduces Cholesterol and LDL Cholesterol levels in blood
• Great for joint pain/arthritis
• Increases testosterone
• It has been used for generations in traditional Chinese medicine for increasing libido, as well as male sexual function and performance. Hence the name.
• Most Potent Percentage of Icariins Available
You must be over the age of 18 to order this product.
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The subject matter contained herein is not intended to diagnose or advise treatment. If you have any concerns, particularly if you have pre-existing conditions or allergies, check with your healthcare provider regarding the ingredients we use.
Statements made have not been evaluated by the FDA.Ingredients
100 Capsules | 500mg. each
Contains 50% Icariins. ABSOLUTELY NO FILLERS.
The active part of Horny Goat Weed is “Icariin”.
It has many anti-inflammatory properties and activities, right to the cellular level and even into the brain cells.
These anti-inflammatory properties go to the heart and vascular system, which is extremely important. Atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease IS the #1 killer, and it’s the number one problem as we age.
What happens is that bacteria and fats begin to collect in our vascular system, our arteries and capillaries. This starts narrowing the passageway for blood being carried. So, in time as we age, we start getting high blood pressure because our arteries are narrowing and becoming less flexible.
The narrowing is largely from bad fats not assimilating properly. Bacteria and even sugars (my personal belief) can contribute to that as well.
Dosage & Info
Icariin has a modulating effect on the lipids in our blood (lipid meaning fats) and it’s been proven to lower cholesterol in our bloodstream.
Yes, the bad cholesterol. The type of fat you don’t want in there.
Horny Goat Weed has been used for centuries (especially in traditional Chinese medicine). The encyclopedic term is Epimedium. It is also known as barrenwort, bishop's hat, fairy wings or yin yang huo.
Recently it has been considered a virtual drug considering how effective it is against atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease. It is very effective at lowering cholesterol and clearing out your arteries.
When they start narrowing you start losing stamina and cardio ability. It feels like you can’t breathe properly like could when you were twenty. You run a few steps and you feel like you’re going to faint.
Eventually, as it keeps on getting worse and worse, it’s hard to do anything. It gets tiring to walk up a flight of stairs. Eventually you get winded just walking on flat ground.
You just don’t have that efficiency anymore. You don’t have that blood flowing through. The red blood cells aren’t carrying oxygen to your tissues like they used to. Nothing is working well anymore.
Horny Goat Weed lowers the cholesterol and fat levels in your blood.
Every one of us, as we age, are going to feel that slowdown. However with what is being discovered about this herb, we can really start living smarter.
We don’t have to age like our predecessors did.
Yes, we’ll still end up aging, but we don’t have to suffer needless outcomes because we’re informed now. We have other choices. We have other means to deal with the physical manifestations that happen as a result of our diet and age.
Another benefit from Icariin is an increase of nitric oxide. It is another thing that decreases in the body as you age.
Think of blood flow, energy, stamina, endurance, increased athletic ability and sexual ability. All because you’re going to get more blood flowing to your extremities.
Everywhere, from the sexual organs to your eyes and the capillaries that carry nutrients to your them, extremities are the first to go as we age. They start suffering first.
“I don’t have the energy I used to anymore. I can’t see quite as clearly as I could, when I was 25. My sexual abilities are hindered. They’re not as powerful as they were. My feet are cold, I don’t have good circulation in my hands.”
It really is all about circulation, and nitric oxide comes into play here because it starts decreasing and decreasing. Therefore, your circulation, energy and health decreases.
When you think of nitric oxide, think of your youth. How everything worked better.
Icariin also protect your DNA by reducing oxidative damage.
We’ve all been told since we were born to eat our fruits and veggies. Eat your greens! The importance was always stressed.
Icariin has a high degree of antioxidants. They reduce oxidative/free radical damage and are a lot of times more potent than your typical fruit or vegetable.
Tests have shown that Icariin helps with fatigue and increases energy production by directly working with the mitochondria (the energy powerhouses within each cell).
It’s not like caffeine, where you’re manipulating a “high” of energy.
It works on the root level of the mitochondria. You’re creating original energy that enhances what you have and increasing it so that you have more. Again, promoting health.
When your body falls short on energy, it’s always going to steal energy from somewhere else to make up for that shortfall. It is sort of like the saying “steal from Peter to pay Paul” because it’s going to prioritize what’s most important.
The first symptom is that people start feeling a lack of energy, stamina, drive and ambition. That leads to a lack of happiness. When your energy goes down, your happiness goes down.
Typically, depression sets in. Then we think we have a mental deficiency. Then, we start taking drugs for it. Well, it’s not any of those things.
You have to get to the root of the problem.
Healthy energy and abundant vitality are what you need to get out of that depressed state. If you want to feel better, work on your mitochondria. Work on cellular energy, so that you have the energy to deal with life.
Even when encountering disappointments in life, if you have the energy to deal with them, you will prevail.
Icariin reduces lactic acid and increases hemoglobin/glycogen levels. This basically spells athleticism. Lactic acid is what is going to create that fatigue in the muscles. Whatever athletic endeavor that you’re attracted to, it’s going to enhance it. Whether that’s jogging, weightlifting, tennis, golf, etc.
Horny Goat Weed promotes balance of the immune system, heart health, heart strength and blood flow to the heart. Plus, it promotes the production and activity of bone cells.
Back to the heart. Think about what happens if you improve blood flow to it.
Your heart is your engine. Like an old GTO or Mustang. Without an engine in there, it’s just a slab of steel that isn’t going anywhere. Same with your heart. You can have a great looking body, but if that heart is weak you won’t be doing much.
It’s like the old saying, “the heart of the matter”. The heart is the center. It’s the engine. We don’t think about that when we’re twenty, but we should. That way we would have abundant health, happiness, strength, and stamina throughout our life.
As I mentioned before, Icariin promotes the production and activity of bone cells. Just think about that. How many things help your bones grow like that? No, don’t say milk. Milk is acidic and is usually not good for your bones.
Acidic milk actually uses your bones to buffer the acidity of what it is. Maybe it was ok in the old days when milk was raw, and not pasteurized or homogenized. It was full of living enzymes.
That’s a different story, but modern processed milk? I’m not going to agree that it is good for your bones. When people age, they start encountering problems. Have you ever noticed that as people become old, they start shrinking, becoming brittle? That’s because everything starts degenerating including your bone cells.
Icariin inhibits bone and cartilage degradation.
If you don’t want arthritis or mobility loss, then it’s something to think about. Not many things inhibit this degradation. It is really powerful stuff.
In between the bones are nerves. When your cartilage starts shrinking the bones start hitting the nerves … hence pain. How are you going to get rid of that pain? Drugs? Painkillers? They won’t work. They’ll make you numb and dumb.
Maybe they help a little bit at first but will not work in the end. People usually end up dying from organ failure from painkillers. Yes, even everyday ones like Ibuprofen or Tylenol.
I’m not talking about the big boys or the big hitter painkillers. I’m talking just the basics. They end up making your organs so toxic that you die from manifestations of that toxicity, and not the pain from the joints.
Point is: Take care of your bones and take care of your cartilage.
Also, Horny Goat Weed acts as an antidepressant by decreasing HPA axis (interaction between the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, and adrenal glands).
It protects brain cells from toxicities. How many things do that?
As you start aging and your brain starts getting toxic, suddenly you start forgetting little things. Your brain isn’t working crisply anymore, like a brand-new computer.
Eventually some of the final manifestations are things like dementia and cognitive function failure. The brain becomes unhealthy in a general sense. It is inefficient. You start forgetting things. When it gets really serious, they give it the label of dementia.
Icariin is proven to reduce dementia and enhance your cognitive function in general. Just the power of that. What a gift!
It obviously increases libido and performance (hence the name) via inhibition of an enzyme that Viagra does similarly. However, it does so much more (like increasing nitric oxide).
Icariin increases free testosterone as well. So, when you’re talking about sexual performance, desire, etc., you must have great blood flow. Not only does Horny Goat Weed increase this flow to the genital area, it increases nitric oxide.
This does so much more for not only your body, but your sexual experience and performance. When you’re young, you’re full of nitric oxide. Your body is not full of cholesterol. Your vascular system is healthy. It’s not narrowed, restricted and deficient in nitric oxide. Your free testosterone is at healthy levels.
Now, there’s a difference between testosterone and “free testosterone”. Free testosterone is what your body is going to call upon for the sex hormones during those “moments”.
There’s a saying: “An ounce of prevention, is worth a pound of cure.”
To wrap up, think about what this herb does. You are preventing a lot of possible and probable manifestations later in life with atherosclerosis, cardiovascular disease and more. Huge!
In the future, I think we can prevent these conditions in most people.
Thank you!
-Darcy Borst
Additional Tips
Part 1
Part 2