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Organic Horny Goat Weed

Our products are made in Cheshire, Oregon USA, from Certified Organics and ethically sourced ingredients.

Found in our product: Energee & Horny Goat Weed

Epimedium, also known as barrenwort, bishop's hat, fairy wings, horny goat weed, or yin yang huo is a genus of flowering plants in the family Berberidaceae. The majority of the species are endemic to China, with smaller numbers elsewhere in Asia and a few in the Mediterranean region.

For centuries traditional Chinese medicine has been using it to enhance libido and to treat various other ailments such as bone or kidney disease.

They consider this herb to have a strong “yang” quality that can increase blood circulation, tonify the kidneys, dispel wind and eliminate dampness.

It contains the flavonoid icariin.

Icariin has been found to have the ability to boost the successful transmission of nitric oxide, the primary chemical transmitter for the successful and ample delivery of blood to all parts of the body. Secondly it increases the natural circulation of free form testosterone around the body.

Horny Goat Weed also provides alkaloids and plant sterols that have similar actions to testosterone. Although considered a male hormone, testosterone is produced by both men and women and plays an important role in human sexuality.

Several studies have found that the active constituents of the herb balance estrogen and estradiol levels in women. Icariin is one of these prenylflavonoid compounds which acts as a natural phytoestrogen, associated with decreased symptoms of menopause, including low libido and vaginal dryness.

It seems that icariin is the wonder molecule responsible for many of this plant’s health benefits.  Research done by the Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology at the University of Tokyo found that it has positive effects on restoring bone density, with findings from animal studies showing that icariin is a strong candidate for an osteogenic compound for use in bone tissue engineering. The researchers observed significant new bone formation in rats treated with icariin after four weeks, with further increases after six weeks.

Another study by the Institute of Orthopaedics Centre of Lanzhou General Hospital in China reported similar results. They found evidence that icariin can prevent osteoporosis by increasing bone density and bone formation, decreasing bone resorption and improving the microstructure of bone.

Be warned, excessive intake can raise blood pressure. This herb is best taken in ways such as we have done. We use small amounts and it is properly balanced with ingredients that complement it.